Anne Robin Calligraphy
Robin can pen the hallmark curlicues of copperplate calligraphy, but she’s best known for sleek, streamlined lettering. From $3 per envelope; $225 for an invitation template.
Calligraphy by Mary Anne
Mary Anne Wolf tailors her work to her clients’ needs—even creating a new style or a variation of her standard offerings. Prices vary.
Calligraphy by Nan DeLuca
77 Bleecker St., nr. Broadway; 212-477-3732;
DeLuca’s elegant designs are often featured in high-end wedding publications and books. Envelopes in black ink start at $4 each; full
sets of custom invites start at $350.
Elana Weinberg
Couples who want original marriage contracts rather than prints come to Weinberg. She can inscribe a quote in Hebrew, English,
or Aramaic (from $1,200).
Harriet Rose Calligraphy & Design
845 West End Ave., nr. 101st St.; 212-663-4564;
Rose will hand-paint artwork with her lettering for a truly unique look (from $4 per envelope).
Jane Labanz of the Delicate Pen
Labanz has the grace of an artist in lettering and hand-painting. Addressing begins at $8 per envelope; invitation work begins at $20 per line; full invitation sets begin at $10 per set.
Kaleidakolor Calligraphy Studio
201 E. 17th St. at Third Ave.; 212-475-1653;
Over the years, Margaret Harber has mastered an extensive repertoire of styles and calligraphy specialties. From $4.50 per envelope.
Nancy Howell Calligraphy
From Gaelic-inspired uncial lettering to
neo-traditional Baroque calligraphy, Howell
can do it all. Invitations start at $300.
Stephanie Caplan
87 E. 7th St., at First Ave.; 212-726-1316;
In 1997, Caplan opened her studio to Jewish, interfaith, and same-sex couples who wanted custom ketubot. Custom work from $1,500; limited-edition prints from $250.
Sue Kakstys
1633 Broadway, at 50th St.; 212-767-6424
Kakstys, an industry veteran, works in a classic style called chancery cursive; she will accommodate special requests like transcribing handwritten letters to future in-laws. Envelopes start at $2.50 and place cards start at $1.50.
• Where to Go for Hand-Lettering, Engraving, Letterpress, and More
• A 28-Inch, 1001-Word-Long Save-the-Date
• Expert Advice from a Sationer
• Trade-Offs and Budget Tips