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40th Anniversary

Classic ‘New York’: The 1970s

Mugging As a Way of Life
February 23, 1970
“…When Hector and Louise aren't mugging their neighbors, they live in burnt-out buildings, moving easily from a deserted tenement on Avenue D to one south of Houston, near the Bowery…”
Bombing on the Mind
April 6, 1970
"'A sodden Sheep Meadow last October—remember? The Vietnam Moratorium?'"
How Not to Be Humiliated in Snob Restaurants
April 13, 1970
“…Mere money will not spring you from neglect, glazed ennui, under-age wines, snarled lectures on gastronomic propriety…”
Radical Chic: That Party at Lenny’s
June 8, 1970
"It’s a tricky business, integrating new politics with tried-and-true social motifs."
Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Ice Cream But Were Too Fat to Ask
August 3, 1970
"As the establishment cracks and institutions crumble, it is no wonder we reach out to ice cream."
Is Washington Ready for Bella Abzug?
October 5, 1970
"Here she is, pushing, brawling, striding her way toward the United States Congress."
The Agony of Panthermania
November 16, 1970
Can these young blacks find an alternative to revolutionary suicide?
The Consequences of Panthermania
November 23, 1970
A whimpering, tortured, dull-witted black was led into a Connecticut bog last year and there took a bullet in his head.
What Is Ms. and What Is It Doing in New York?
December 20, 1971
An editor’s letter introducing Gloria Steinem’s revolutionary new magazine.
The Housewife’s Moment of Truth
December 20, 1971
"American women have suddenly and shockingly perceived the basic disorder in what has been believed to be the natural order of things."
The Birth of 'The New Journalism'
February 14, 1972
Participant reveals main factors leading to demise of the novel, rise of new style covering events.
East Bronx Story—Return of the Street Gangs
March 27, 1972
"Without much notice, it seems, street gangs have again become a problem in New York City."
The Sensuous Psychiatrists
June 19, 1972
"Most seductive therapists are father figures. Patients may be in search of happiness, but what is the doctor in search of?"
What Are the Odds on a Newspaper Strike?
March 26, 1973
"There is a possibility—faint but at least visible—that the union leadership is beginning to believe all the bad news."
A Fan's Notes
May 14, 1973
There were other obsessions besides Watergate and Biaggi.
The Evolution of a Pleasant Young Man
May 6, 1974
"'If this had happened with a new guy in charge, it would be a major business story, but it's just Punch, so no one is noticing.'"
Jerry Ford and His Flying Circus
November 25, 1974
"Journalism has its limits. Do you write, 'President Ford had nothing to say and said it badly to a stunned crowd'?"
How Tall Is Robert Redford Really?
January 27, 1975
“…Is it possible that a movie star can walk among millions of fans and conceal his height? His age, maybe—but his height?...”
How to Invest Your Last $10,000
February 2, 1975
"I will keep most of my own money in a ridiculously diversified portfolio of unglamorous securities. Now, about you…"
The Day New York City Defaulted
June 2, 1975
"Within minutes, the news appeared on the Dow Jones and Reuters wires."
Night-Shifting for the Hip Fleet
September 22, 1975
“…It’s Hooverville, honey, so anyone outside the military-industrial complex is likely to turn up driving for Dover…”
He's Chevy Chase and You're Not
December 22, 1975
"You may not have heard of him, but network executives are calling Chevy the first real potential successor to Carson."
Why People Are Talking About Gossip
May 3, 1976
"Readers, reporters, and editors are all chasing after gossip but are not yet prepared to call the thing by its proper name."
Tribal Rites of the New Saturday Night
June 7, 1976
"The new generation takes few risks; it graduates, looks for a job, endures. And once a week, on Saturday night, it explodes."
"Swapping" and "Twenty Questions"
June 28, 1976
"I like to keep up with the new aberrations
And here's what I recently read:
The latest in lust is the swapping of spouses."
The “Me” Decade
August 23, 1976
The era of remaking, remodeling, and polishing one’s very self.
Punks of Bleecker Street
September 20, 1976
The Ramones, four somber crazies in black leather, were Queens greasers a few years ago.
Where Have You Gone, Joe DiMaggio?
April 11, 1977
“The old Yankees were first of all organization men. The new Yankees are rich, rebellious, egocentric, black, and explosive.”
What Makes Bella Run?
June 20, 1977
"…Bella is trying to prove that New York is ready for a municipal matriarchy…"
George Steinbrenner, Get Out of Town!
August 15, 1977
"It is the ultimate irony: a big-league team in a big-league town in the hands of a petty, arrogant bush-league owner."
Bess Myerson Is One Tough Customer
November 14, 1977
“…The phone is an extension of Bess’s hand. It was my first contact with her. The conversation was ominous. And one-sided…”
An Intimidating New Class: The Physical Elite
May 29, 1978
"Their emblems—terry toweling, running shoes, skis—signal their existence to one another and their exclusivity to all of us."
Rendezvous in the Ramble
July 24, 1978
Picture Central Park—without a sailor, Picture Mister Lord, minus Mister Taylor. —Cole Porter's "A Picture of Me Without You," 1935.
Love and Death on the Upper East Side
September 11, 1978
". . . The first wave of newspaper stories splashed happily over the 'love triangle.' Older-guy-loses-girl-to-younger-guy . . ."
Ali, Spinks, and the Battle of New Orleans
October 2, 1978
"'I want you to know I'm real serious for this fight,' Ali cautioned. 'Put your money on me. I cannot get no better.'"