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40th Anniversary

Classic ‘New York’: The 2000s

The Kosher Campaign
August 21, 2000
News of Al Gore's mitzvah sent a joyful shock wave through the city's Jewish circles.
Me Tarzan You Jane
January 22, 2001
With "Thong Song" on the radio and The Man Show on the tube, pop culture has become a frat house—and women are joining the party.
September 11, 2001
September 24, 2001
An archive of articles related to the September 11, 2001, attacks on the World Trade Center in New York.
The Single-Mom Murder
February 4, 2002
Christa Worthington left the glitz of the Manhattan fashion and journalism worlds for the simpler life of a single mother on Cape Cod.
Baby Panic
May 20, 2002
For the Sex and the City generation, it looks like the rules of the motherhood game have changed.
The Price of Perfection
December 2, 2002
A frank exploration of the values and mores and rituals that drive Manhattan's private-school world.
The New Position on Casual Sex
January 13, 2003
The rise of Internet dating has brought a sexual openness to the younger generation. But can there be too much of a good thing?
The Porn Myth
October 20, 2003
In the end, porn doesn't whet men's appetites—it turns them off the real thing.
Gay With Children
November 3, 2003
Gays and lesbians are now becoming parents in record numbers, and it’s changing how they think about themselves—and each other.
Got Beef?
December 1, 2003
The hip-hop world is at war. All this violence has helped to sell records. But when is the price too high?
The Dead Wives Club, or Char in Love
May 31, 2004
A circle of firemen’s widows have a secret: They’re getting on with their lives.
Pop. Snort. Parachute.
October 4, 2004
To many New York teenagers, all the world’s a pharmacy.
One Brief, Scuzzy Moment
December 6, 2004
One of the more pointed critics of the East Village art scene recalls the worst excesses of that art movement.
David and His 26 Roommates
May 16, 2005
They’ve traveled thousands of miles from Mexico, found jobs serving rich customers, and dealt with impossible rents.
Empire of the Alpha Mom
June 20, 2005
Does the world need a Martha Stewart of parenting? Isabel Kallman would like to submit her résumé.
The $2,000-an-Hour Woman
July 18, 2005
In the bedroom, Natalia was a superstar, an escort in demand by Wall Street traders and NFL quarterbacks alike.
Celebrity and Its Discontents
July 25, 2005
A diagnosis.
Who is the Real JT LeRoy?
October 17, 2005
A search for the true identity of a great literary hustler.
Are Jews Smarter?
October 24, 2005
Did Jewish intelligence evolve in tandem with Jewish diseases as a result of discrimination in the ghettos of medieval Europe?
The Choirboy
May 30, 2005
As head boy at a legendary choir school, Lawrence Lessig was repeatedly molested by the charismatic choir director.
Sex and the City: The Horror Movie
December 5, 2005
Fired from his job, jilted by a girlfriend, Peter Braunstein descended into a world of dark fantasies. The making of a tabloid monster.
Blogs to Riches
February 20, 2006K
The Haves and Have-Nots of the Blogging Boom.
Up With Grups
April 3, 2006
The ascendant breed of grown-up who has redefined adulthood as we once knew it and killed off the generation gap.
Not Since Jesus
April 17, 2006
While humanity awaits the arrival of the BRANGELINA BABY, the paparazzi scheme and scramble for a shot at the biggest score of all time.
On the Rabbi's Knee
May 22, 2006
Do the Orthodox Jews have a Catholic-priest problem?
Some Dark Thoughts on Happiness
July 17, 2006
More and more psychologists and researchers believe they know what makes people happy. But does a New Yorker want to be happy?
Mothers Anonymous
July 24, 2006
In the collective id known as UrbanBaby, women confess their darkest fears about parenting and marriage—and, not infrequently, go to war over them.
Dreaming of Obama
October 2, 2006
The junior senator from Illinois might take the country to a place it’s never been, past the baby boom, beyond race.
A Hard-Earned Life
November 6, 2006
A father’s paycheck reads $676. It has to last two weeks. Start the clock.
The Death of (the Idea of) the Upper East Side
November 20, 2006
How New York’s most prestigious neighborhood lost its place atop the social hierarchy.
Say Everything
February 12, 2007
As younger people reveal their private lives on the Internet, the older generation looks on with alarm.
How Not to Talk to Your Kids
February 19, 2007
The inverse power of praise.
Everybody Sucks
October 22, 2007
Gawker and the rage of the creative underclass.
The Meme Prisoner
February 25, 2008
In the press, Hillary has been trapped by her own story, whereas Obama has been freed by his.
The Memory Addict
May 5, 2008
Augusten Burroughs doesn’t just write about his past. He holds séances.