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Best Small-Time Parade

The Dance Parade
May 17;
Not everyone loves a parade. Some would even argue that standing around watching people walk down the street is, well, pretty boring But watching 10,000 people dance down Broadway? Not even the most jaded city kid could help but be impressed. Now entering its second year, the Dance Parade brings together thousands of dancers from hundreds of organizations—last year, 179 groups took part, including Japanese folk dancers and New York-based cloggers and Sufi whirlers. This year, look out for Connecticut stilt walkers, Bronx hip-hoppers, and Rhythm Locura, an LGBT salsa troupe from Jackson Heights. The parade boogies down Broadway, beginning at West 32nd Street and culminating in a festival (to be held this year either in Central Park or Tompkins Square Park, pending city approval) with a performance stage and teaching tents, where kids and their minders can learn some moves of their own.
