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Ethel’s All-American World Music

Ethel, the anti-genre string quartet, is back from a year on the road, having picked up a load of new friends and new ideas. The group’s brought together both at BAM for “TruckStop: The Beginning,” where Hawaiian slack-key guitarist Jeff Peterson, Texan conjunto accordionist Eva Ybarra, Taos Pueblo flutist Robert Mirabal, and bluegrass-banjo virtuoso Dean Osborne will join in for a multiethnic jam, turned into theater by Passing Strange director Annie Dorsen. “Instead of making a showcase, we decided to get everyone together in a room for the week,” says violinist Cornelius Dufallo. “We’re going to put together an hour of music that’s not purely any style.” Or maybe this Hawaiian–Native American–Tex Mex–Appalachian fusion can be described simply as Ethel.

At the BAM Next Wave Festival; October 14.


Fall Preview 2008