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Gotham: Life in the New City Archive

June 23, 2003
Art and Life

GQ was only one of editor Art Cooper’s many earthly pleasures.

March 31, 2003
Code Emerald

At the Kelly Gand St. Paddy's bash, terrorism was top o' mind.

March 31, 2003
Host With the Most

Who scored—and stunk—as Letterman’s replacement?

March 31, 2003
Island Nation

Why war makes New Yorkers feel more isolated than ever.

February 24, 2003
Gay Ball!

At the gay-volleyball-league tryouts, “fifth-grade gym class” meets “the Miss America pageant”: Who you calling a crotch pick?

February 24, 2003
Agents Orange

No, we’re not talking terrorists. It’s the parking police, who are issuing tickets like there’s no tomorrow (no pun intended).

February 17, 2003
Do A Shot?

Smallpox shots are now available to medical types. Would you get one (if you could, that is)?

February 17, 2003
Site Unseen

The two final plans for rebuilding ground zero may seem like a triumph of design, but in fact they're a triumph for developers.

September 8, 2002
Good-bye to All That

Notorious tippler-about-town Anthony Haden-Guest is finally sobering up -- if his friends will let him.

September 8, 2002
Stumped Speech

New York has some of the greatest writers in the world, so why do our politicians have nothing new to say on 9/11?