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Prix Fixe Cheap Fix

Top chefs shop for the city's best deals.

Eric Ripert, Le Bernardin
We gave him $89—the price of his prix fixe—and he spent it on breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Agata & Valentina
1505 First Avenue, 212-452-0690.
Large blueberry muffin, $1.50; single espresso shot, $1.75. “I spend my life here. They have great espresso. They have an excellent butcher as well.”

808 Lexington Avenue, 212-223-2566.
One portion feijoada (veal, pork, sausage, and black-bean stew), with blood-orange slices, collard greens, and a pile of yucca dust, $23; one caipirinha, green, in short glass, $8. “I love this dish—I discovered it in São Paulo in 1992. It’s the most famous dish in Brazil. It was originally a slave dish. They used to use the yucca as filler when they had no real meat to put in the stew. Paulo uses yucca here because it’s traditional, but I don’t really like it myself. It doesn’t need it! Sometimes I have them deliver it to me at Le Bernardin when I am really craving it. The knuckles are the best part.”

1439 Second Avenue, 212-288-8555.
One carciofini scottati salad (sautéed artichokes, pistachios, and shaved Parmesan), $12; one Caprese salad with yellow and red tomatoes, prosciutto, grilled peppers, and mozzarella, $14; one glass Chianti, $8; one tirami su, $8. “It’s impossible to leave here. Whenever you say you’re going, the owner gives you so much free food and drinks that you are forced to stay. He’ll also bring you amazing bruschetta or fresh watermelon if you’re one of his personal friends or a VIP. The carciofini scottati salad is amazing. I have a dish inspired by this at Le Bernardin.”

TOTAL: $75.25