for the sleepyhead mom
"Little Buddy" Mother's Day cooking class
at the Minnow
In spite of all that clanking in the kitchen, Mom can relax in bed well into
the morning after sending the kids off to Aaron Bashy's latest cooking class
the day before. On Saturday, May 11, Bashy will guide aspiring Food Network
personalities (ages 4 to 8, accompanied by a parent) through the
breakfast-in-bed basics, and show them how to make quiche Lorraine and
strawberry shortcake, even how to set a proper tray, after which Junior can
try it at home the next day. Have bagels on standby.
The Minnow, 442 9th Street, Brooklyn
for the been-there-done-that mom
Patricia Yeo proves she's a good daughter by finally opening her Chelsea
triplex for its inaugural brunch to coincide with Mother's Day. Like Charlie
and Grandpa Joe, you and Mom ride the glass elevator to the third-floor
rooftop garden, where lucky Mom will be the first among her envious friends
to sample warm-asparagus salad with "bacon and eggs," a blueberry-and-lemon
soufflé pancake, or hot tea-smoked salmon with green-tea risotto.
AZ, 21 West 17th Street, 212-691-8888
for the down-home mom
Kitchenette Uptown
Mother's Day specials like stuffed French toast with strawberry-rhubarb
compote for brunch or chicken and dumplings for dinner, plus a homemade
cupcake with cream-cheese frosting and decorated with letters m-o-m at this
cheerful new spinoff of TriBeCa's beloved country kitchen make for a smart,
less hectic alternative to Harlem's soul-food shrine Sylvia's.
Kitchenette Uptown, 1272 Amsterdam Avenue,
near 123rd Street,
for the eat-your-veggies mom
Verbena's proximity to the Union Square Greenmarket and Diane Forley's and
Michael Otsuka's seasonally inspired cooking spring-artichoke broth with
pea sprouts, potato-leek-spinach-and-fava frittata, and pistachio-filled
crêpes with rhubarb compote should please the most discriminating earth
mother. Book a garden table.
Verbena, 54 Irving Place, 212-260-5454
for the oenophile mom
The only thing to match Wayne Nish's asparagus vinaigrette with chervil and
chopped egg, ravioli poulet au pot, and Mediterranean sea bass with
ratatouille and tarragon is a $25 "premier" or a $35 "grand" wine tasting,
pairing glasses from March's renowned cellar to every course.
March, 405 East 58th Street, 212-754-6272
for the i'll-diet-tomorrow mom
Peacock Alley
A brunch buffet outfitted with omelette and pasta stations, a raw and sushi
bar, and 30 desserts, plus soothing live harp music and unlimited champagne
(optional) should distract Mom from delving too deeply into your personal
Peacock Alley, 301 Park Avenue,
at 49th Street,