Grand Bahama Island
Only two hours from the City, this island has been overlooked by New Yorkers for too long

From the April 22, 2002 Issue of New York

Four months ago, USAirways began offering nonstop service from JFK, putting Grand Bahama Island back on the map for weekending New Yorkers. It has a lot to offer. For families, there's the new Our Lucaya, a gargantuan Disneyesque resort in Freeport; for fisherman, there are the small bone-fishing lodges on the East End, like the renowned Deep Water Cay Club; and for a romantic getaway, there's the recently opened Inn at Old Bahama Bay, way out on the secluded West End. Grand Bahama is nowhere near as developed as Nassau and Paradise Island -- at least, not yet -- so savor its funky charm while it lasts.

USAirways flies nonstop to Freeport (800-622-1015); Our Lucaya Beach & Golf Resort (doubles from $125; 877-772-6471); Deep Water Cay Club (a week's lodging and guided fishing, $3,243 per angler; 954-359-0488); the Inn at Old Bahama Bay (doubles from $290; 800-572-5711).


Photograph: Our Lucaya