San Lucas, Mexico
Share the sand with celebs at the area's newest
From the April 22, 2002 Issue of New York
be surprised to find Cameron Diaz beside you on the beach or Russell
Crowe at the next table during lunch. This year's Academy Award presenters
all received trips to Cabo San Lucas's new Esperanza resort in their
Oscar-night gift baskets. (Hey, it could happen!) Set up like
a remote Mexican village, Esperanza's casitas are scattered
around two private coves. Every bedroom -- and bathroom -- has a view
of the Sea of Cortez, and many have private plunge pools or outdoor
Jacuzzis. Play golf on one of five championship courses, go deep-sea
fishing, or poke around Todos Santos, a flourishing artists' colony
one hour north. But we recommend having the resort's gourmet market
pack you a picnic for the beach, or just lying in the hammock on your
balcony, watching the whales go by.

Esperanza (doubles from $550; 866-311-2226 or aubergeresorts.com).
Fly Continental (800-525-0280) from La Guardia to San Jose del
Cabo (with a connection in Houston), or take American Airlines
(800-433-7300) and connect in Dallas; the hotel offers a free
shuttle from the airport.
Photograph: Esperanza |