Cast your rod in the waters of the Caribbean
From the April 22, 2002 Issue of New York
Most saltwater fly-rodders who dream of hooking the wily bonefish
wind up in the Bahamas or the Florida Keys. But there are other alternatives,
including the Caribbean coast of the Yucatán. Just an hour's drive
south of Cancún, Boca Paila Fishing Lodge is a collection of beachfront
accommodations in modern thatched bungalows. They sit on a series
of lagoons and flats holding bonefish, the shy and spooky permit,
resident tarpon, and snook. What the Yucatán has over saltwater fly-fishing
destinations in the Bahamas -- besides permit so numerous even the
neophyte has a shot at one -- is great Mayan and Mexican food with
an emphasis on the local catch. And for the non-fishing companion,
there's swimming, snorkeling, and visits to beautiful ruins nearby.

Book through Frontiers International (two-night stays are $1,310
for anglers, $750 for non-angling companion, including room,
all meals, guided fishing, and skiff rental; longer stays are
available; 800-245-1950).