Rhode Island
Learn the not-so-ancient art of kitesurfing
From the April 22, 2002 Issue of New York
It may be the hot new water sport this year, but most places where
you can take serious kitesurfing lessons are in Hawaii and Florida,
which leaves busy New Yorkers in an unbearable state of untrendiness.
Enter Christian Schlebach of Newport, Rhode Island. He'll be happy
to teach you this bastard offspring of windsurfing and wake-boarding
at his Sky Kitesurfing School, the only place offering intensive lessons
we could find within driving distance of the city. All-day sessions
start with kite-handling etiquette on land before heading into the
water. Then it's right out onto the water to catch some air and take
off. Kitesurf all day, then spend the night at the stately but simple
Admiral Fitzroy Inn on Thames Street; and for dinner, stroll down
to Asterisk & Obelisk, an unpretentious bistro in a converted garage.

Sky Kitesurfing School ($300 per day; 401-849-0084); Admiral
Fitzroy Inn (from $125; 866-848-8780); Asterisk & Obelisk (401-841-8833).