Brimfield, Massachusetts
A crash course on conquering the Brimfield flea market.

From the March 24, 2003 Issue of New York

Imagine Portobello Road, Bermondsey, and Porta Portese plunked down along both sides of pastoral Route 20 near Sturbridge, Massachusetts. For six days during every May, July, and September, Brimfield becomes the center of the universe for collectors of all persuasions. Starting at 6 a.m. on a Tuesday, the 23 separate shows (“fields,” in dealerspeak) open one after the other, providing repeated “rushes” all week. But the biggest show, J & J Promotions (or “The Girls”—it’s run by the daughters of Brimfield’s founder, Gordon Reid), is on Friday and Saturday. Even on Sunday there’s still plenty of stuff, not to mention a chance of finding something for next to nothing because the dealer doesn’t want to lug it home. If you didn’t happen to reserve a room in Brimfield a year in advance, try the elegant Celebrations Inn in Pomfret, just across the Connecticut border.

Brimfield is three hours from New York (; J & J Promotions (413-245-3436;; Celebrations Inn (from $105; 877-928-5492;