Lake Placid
Oh, to be snowed in at the Mirror Lake Inn

From the March 26, 2001 Issue of New York

My wife will kill me for telling everybody about how terrific our stay was at Mirror Lake Inn, the resort and spa at Lake Placid. "Don't tell a soul," she said before I mentioned to my editor how great it was. "You will ruin it." Maybe I just couldn't resist crowing, but personally I don't think a place that memorable can be ruined by a little publicity. The combination of the best service we have had in the Northeast, cozy rooms, unbelievably good food and wine, a world-class set of spa features -- she loved the Honey-Almond Body Polish, I the Deep-Tissue Therapeutic -- and quite reasonable prices makes this destination a keeper. In your zest for downhill skiing -- Whiteface is just a few minutes away -- don't overlook the fantastic cross-country course at Cascade. Ice-skating and dog-sled rides just across the street make it fantastic for kids. This is a true family place, with a great library and plenty of chocolate-chip cookies and tea. (Nice bar, too.) Only downer: Massive wait-times for tobogganing and bobsledding make those breathtaking events too line-intensive for most New Yorkers in a hurry.

Mirror Lake Inn, 518-523-2554 (rooms start at $140); Whiteface, 518-946-2223; Cascade, 518-523-9605.