Penobscot Bay, Maine
Timeless simplicity at a lighthouse inn

From the March 26, 2001 Issue of New York

Tension melts away as you board the mailboat to Isle au Haut, one of the granite islands of Penobscot Bay. Soon, you spy the slender lighthouse tower at Robinson Point, built in 1907. When you disembark at their private landing, longtime owners Jeff and Judi Burke will welcome you to the Keeper's House inn. The five guest rooms are simply furnished with period antiques and lace curtains, and are lit only by the sun during the daytime and soft candlelight at night. Fueled with bag lunches (how does Maine crabmeat -- salad sandwiches on homemade honey-wheat bread sound?), guests can borrow bikes for a ride to the village, take a dip in the local swimming pond, or hike in Acadia National Park. In the evening, guests convene in the candlelit dining room for Maine salmon and home-baked fruit pie. Dramatic sunsets are the evening entertainment, punctuated by the blinking of the light tower.

The Keeper's House, 207-367-2261 or (doubles start at $294, including three meals daily; open May 15 through October; BYOB). No phone, no electricity, but it does have hot water!