it in a day . . . or three
From the March 26, 2001 Issue of New York
The jubilee is over, and the
crowds of pilgrims have subsided, but the cleanups and restorations
that swept through Rome in preparation for the holy year are still
freshly in place. And the euro is still a bargain. (It's as if Gucci,
Valentino, and Armani were all throwing 20 percent-off sales.) So
book a room at Sole al Pantheon -- the city's oldest hotel -- and
request a view of the Pantheon. In the morning, conquer jet lag with
the ethereal cappuccino at the nearby Cafe Sant Eustache. Then go
to Biciroma in the Piazza San Lorenzo and rent a moped -- the best
way to squeeze the maximum amount of art, archaeology, and shopping
into a short stay. Spend part of Saturday on the steps of the ancient
Capitoline hill watching the never-ending parade of bridal parties
(who ever said bridesmaids are supposed to be dowdy?), lunch alfresco
in Trastevere, and get to the top of the Castel Sant'Angelo in time
for a sunset view of the skyline. For dinner, make reservations at
Bucatino or Checchino dal 1887 in Testaccio. Or, if you're still shopping,
walk to Beltramme Fiaschetteria on the Via della Croce near the Spanish
Steps. Later, if you returned your motorino without a scratch, reward
yourself with a gelato from Giolitti.

Sole al Pantheon, 39-06-678-0441 (doubles start at $289); Sant Eustachio, 39-06-686-1309; Biciroma, 39-06-686-4604; Bucatino, 39-06-574-6886; Checchino dal 1887, 39-06-574-3816; Giolitti, 06-69-91-243.