Family & Leisure
Best Baby Gear
FAO Baby
Madison Avenue, at 58th Street
Maybe it was all the tourists who shopped the baby department on the second floor of FAO Schwarz, but rarely did New York moms with strollers venture upstairs. Too cumbersome, too overwhelming. But in February, the Madison Avenue entrance of the famed Fifth Avenue toy store opened up to FAO Baby. Occupying half the space of the block-long first floor, this shop-within-a-shop has huge displays of infant and preschool toys, books, silver gifts, and a smattering of upscale baby furnishings, bedding, and specialty clothing. We loved the tot-size Hollywood-style bathrobe with its feather boa collar and ostentatious embellishments ($120). The video screens, while in abundance, are not screeching, which really marks the difference between FAO Baby and the rest of the store: It’s just calmer. Look for the official grand opening on May 5 and stay tuned for a full agenda of expectant-parent how-to seminars.