- Pest Away Exterminating
Okay, you don’t want roaches. They’re scary, they can make you ill, they offend. Fine. But do you really want to have some exterminator spritz stuff all over your house that is scary, can make you ill, and offends? Therein lies the appeal of Pest Away: Instead of spending five minutes dousing the baseboards, these guys laboriously seal up all possible entryways for bugs and other vermin; then they apply tiny dabs of pastelike bait that humans can’t smell and pets tend to overlook. Does it work? Pest Away has kept the China Club and many luxury buildings bug-free for years, as well as the 90-plus New York Sports Clubs—“and we’ve never had any problems,” says NYSC’s spokeswoman, Susan Gerson, sounding relieved. Service runs about $160, and that includes a three-month “no bugs or we’ll treat you again for free” warranty—that is, just in case the killing turns out to be a little too kind.
Best Environmentally Friendly Exterminator
From the 2004 Best of New York issue of New York Magazine