
cheap pleasures
High Culture, Low Dough
A night at the Met or Carnegie Hall is a grand experience — for which you'll pay grandly. For a cheaper classical music fix (in a more intimate setting), take in a concert by one of these smaller companies.


Swashbuckling: An Amato Opera production.

Amato Opera
The grand art in a warm, downtown (and tiny) setting. The 50-plus-year-old company proves you don't need elephants on stage to perform Aida. Tickets: $23-$28.
• 319 Bowery, 212-228-8200;

Jupiter Symphony
The orchestra's popular maestro, Jens Nygaard, died last year, but his players are keeping alive the tradition with a summer season of Vivaldi, Rossini, Mozart and more. Tickets: $15.
• Regular season performances: Good Shepherd Presbyterian Church, 152 W. 66th St. Summer performances: New York Society for Ethnical Culture, 2 W. 64th St. Tickets: 212-799-1259;

Juilliard Concert Series
The music school's wildly talented students give concerts and recitals on campus throughout the school year. If you work in lower Manhattan, the lunchtime concert series at the Continental Center (180 Maiden Lane, at Front St.; 212-799-5000, ext. 313) offers a chance to hear future stars at no cost. Tickets: Free to $15.
• See for regular-season schedule.

New York City Opera
If you're a student or a senior, you're eligible for a "Rush" ticket. On the day of a performance, a limited number of Rush tickets are available for $10. Half-price tickets are also available to students one week in advance of a performance. See for more information about discounts.
• New York State Theater at Lincoln Center, Columbus Avenue at 63rd St., 212- 870-5630.

Saint Bartholomew's Episcopal Church
St. Bart's houses the largest musical instrument in New York. Its famed organ comprises five keyboards, and more than 12,000 pipes make up the complex system. Organ concerts are given Sundays at 11am. Free.
• Park Avenue at 51st Street, 212-378-0248;

Concerts in the Heights
Monthly chamber music concerts are presented at the Collegiate Church of Washington Heights. Tickets: $9-$12
• 181st St. at Fort Washington Ave, 212-740-5923.

New York Repertory Orchestra
The all-volunteer community orchestra performs at Good Shepherd Presbyterian Church. Free.
• 152 W. 66th St.;

This Week's Event Listings
Classical & Opera