  New World Trade Center
- Michael McDonald West Linn, Oregon

The symbolic unity of our nation that can be found in the fifty stars of the American flag was the source of inspiration for a New World Trade Center. This proposal is for two new towers, each of which would seem to be comprised of a stack of twenty-five, three-dimensional stars. Each star would be approximately four stories tall. This would create two star-shaped towers similar in height to the original World Trade Center.

The fifty stars that would make up these two towers would represent each of our fifty states. The phrase we are hearing so much of these days, "United We Stand," would literally be expressed in the new shape of the twin towers.

As one would stand in the new plaza, they could gaze up and see the silhouette of stars against the blue sky, a vision that would echo the stars on the American flag. These new towers would embody the genuinely united spirit, determination, and perseverance of our great nation. And, their form would serve as a patriotic memorial, a monument to the thousands of people that lost their lives so tragically.

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