Down by the sea: The Ocean Grove Beach
Holy smokes! What
happened here? Thought domenic Santana
when he returned to Asbury Park for the
first time in twenty years in 1998. Still
reeling from seventies race riots, subsequent
redevelopment disasters, and a history of
shady politics (the FBI raided City Hall
this January), this community of 17,000
sometimes seems more like a banana republic
than the fabled seaside resort of Santana's
youth. But a growing influx of entrepreneurs
and New York professionals -- especially
gays and lesbians -- is rediscovering the
town, attracted by its diamond-in-the-rough
boardwalk, edgy diversity, and spacious
fixer-upper houses. "I used to never cross
a bridge or tunnel except to go to the Hamptons,"
says Barbara Butcher, who, with partner
MaryAnn Vitiello and Vitiello's son, moved
here last year. "I love the diversity, the
houses, the character. It's fabulous." And
with the Victorian charm of Ocean Grove
-- an immaculate enclave first built as
a Methodist retreat -- just next door, it's
no wonder that the area is booming again.
"Asbury's development madness is turning
into a real gold rush," continues Santana,
who moved his family here from Jersey City
in 2000 to reopen the Stone Pony club, which
Bruce Springsteen made famous. "The place
is really coming up."
Things To Do: "Our lives revolve
around house renovations and decorating–faux
pas gossip," jokes Vitiello, referring to
her circle of fellow newcomers. But music
and nightlife still reign in Asbury Park.
The waterfront Convention Hall and Paramount
Theatre host regular concerts, while summer
music festivals and local bars and lounges
cater to everyone from club kids and jazz
lovers to the rocker-and-biker set. New
York nightlife impresario John Dorian, of
Rebar and Suite 16, is opening two restaurants,
Harry's Roadhouse and 660 Cookman, next
month. By day, downtown's antique shops
and galleries are buzzing with shoppers.
Ocean Grove offers quaint strolls and restaurants,
and the beaches are clean and uncrowded.
"I prefer it here because you can have the
time of your life," says Gary Thomas, half
of a gay Manhattan couple who traded in
their Fire Island weekend share for a home
of their own in Asbury. "Or you can just
Sightings: Russell Crowe,
James Gandolfini, Jon Bon Jovi, and the
Boss himself have all been spotted at the
reopened Stone Pony. And Paradise -- a sprawling
gay club owned by former Madonna producer
Shep Pettibone -- books the likes of Cyndi
Lauper and Taylor Dane. (Still no sign of
Madonna, "but you never know," Pettibone
says coyly.)
Tale of Two Beach Towns: "The psychological
barrier between us is definitely diminishing,"
insists Malcolm Navias, a New York expat
who moved from Ocean Grove to Asbury Park
this year. It wasn't so long ago that Ocean
Grove was gated off from Asbury at night.
On Sundays, Ocean Grove's beach is still
closed until 12:30 p.m. and you can't buy
alcohol no matter what day of the week it
is. "It's nice for brunch, but I would never
live there," declares Asbury newcomer Bernard
Figueroa, who now commutes to Manhattan
from the house he shares with his partner,
Ted, and their 6-year-old son. "It's too
Buying in Asbury: "Prices have increased
dramatically in just three years, but when
you compare us to the surrounding towns,
we're still a very good buy," explains longtime
Asbury Realtor Bruce Donaldson. Houses in
varying conditions -- from bungalows and
Victorians to Neo-Colonials and Tudors --
go for between $125,000 and $500,000 (averaging
about $225,000). Values decline as you move
from the more affluent north end to the
somewhat seedier southwest. Rentals are
scarce, though a market is developing.
Renting in Ocean Grove: "There's
not much left to buy here," says 30-year
Ocean Grove real-estate veteran Arlene Fox.
But rentals are more plentiful. The average
three-bedroom house ranges from $750 to
$2,000 per week, or $8,000 to $20,000 for
the season.
Recommended Realtors: In Asbury
Park, Bruce Donaldson (732-775-0655), John
C. Conover (732-531-2500). In Ocean Grove,
James J. Pentz (732-988-7271), Arlene Fox
at Diane Turton (732-775-2774).
Weekend Visits: The best overnight
options are in Ocean Grove, with its many
bed-and-breakfasts (check oceangrovenj.com
for listings). The newly relocated Moonstruck
restaurant (opening June 2; 732-988-0123),
offering Continental fare, is the place
to eat out.