
Best Outdoor Drinks
Melrose at the Stanhope Hotel
995 Fifth Avenue
At 81st Street

El Rey Del Sol
232 West 14 Street

The Melrose may be the only place in New York where hot weather, bemused foreign tourists, feisty packs of schoolchildren, and deconstructionist culture snobs make for a pleasant afternoon. Located just across the street from the Metropolitan Museum of Art, this café provides the solace of an awning and expertly concocted cocktails that turn the foot traffic outside the museum into an art form of its own. If you’d rather avoid the street scene altogether, head downtown to El Rey Del Sol, a funky Mexican joint that’s the very antithesis of the Melrose. Ask for a table in the kitschy back garden, order a pitcher of what may be the best margaritas in town, and by the time you walk out, you’ll be surprised to learn that you’re still on 14th Street and not in some sleepy Baja surfer town.