Urban Strategist
cheap pleasures
Monday: Next Stop, Wonderland
Departing from Grand Central...


Now boarding: Grand Central Terminal.

Meet under the stars at Grand Central Terminal — constellations cover the station's majestically restored ceiling. Descend the marble stairs to the dining concourse and share a half dozen oysters and martinis at the Oyster Bar (approximately $30). Or, have a drink with the cigars and suits at the elegant and hidden Campbell Apartment, a gilded lily of velvet, brocade and mahogany that was railroad baron John W. Campbell's office in the 1930s. Low-end beers start at $7.50 a glass.
Oyster Bar, Grand Central Terminal Dining Concourse, 212 490-6650.
Campbell Apartment, Grand Central Terminal Balcony, 212-953-0409.

Next, walk over to Bryant Park and escape into the glamour of classic Hollywood cinema. Their al fresco Monday night movie series is hugely popular — and free. Get there by 6pm to stake out a prime spot.
Bryant Park, between 40th and 42nd Sts & Fifth and Sixth Aves.

Or, hop on a cross-town bus to a very different transportation hub: Port Authority, where you can have a ball at the Leisure Time Bowling Center and Cocktail Lounge. Yes, at night it's pretty seedy, but that can add to the allure. $5.25 per person per game and $3.50 for shoe rental. Bowling ends at 11pm on Monday.
Port Authority, between Eighth and Ninth Aves from 40th to 42nd Sts., 212-268-3539.

Estimated cost: $20 to $50