Adamstown, Pennsylvania
Hunting for Amish antiques.
Ananda Ashram, Catskills
Strike a pose at this yoga retreat.
Anusara, Catskills
Strike a pose at this yoga retreat.
· Bare
Boat Sailing, Newport, Rhode Island
On sail now.
· Brandywine
River, Pennsylvania
Pack a lunch and strat paddling.
· Brimfield,
A crash course on conquering
the flea market.
· Cape Cod, Massachusetts
A converted lighthouse brightens the island.
· Cape May, New Jersey
Time-traveling to the Victorian Jersey shore.
· Cruise to Nowhere
Now boarding.
· Cucina
Casalinga in Wilton, Connecticut
A kitchen where you can make
it like Mario.
Dai Bosatsu Zendo, Catskills
An enlightening Japanese monastery.
· Elat
Chayyim, Catskills
A Jewish spiritual retreat.
Equinox in Manchester, Vermont
Like your golf postcard-pretty?
Tee up here.
Farm Sanctuary in Watkins Glen, New York
Getting down on the farm upstate.
Grafton Farmhouse, Vermont
Strike a pose at this yoga retreat.
Greig Farm in Red Hook, New York
Berry and apple picking plus more.
Gurney's Inn
An oceanside spa in Montauk.
· Hamptons
Where should you stay? Our top
10 picks.
· Hawk
Mountain, Pennsylvania
Spy at our fine feathered friends.
· Home
Hill Inn, New Hampshire
Nourishment for the soul at
a magnifique inn.
· Hyatt
Chesapeake Bay, Maryland
Once a psychaitric hospital,
now a golfer's paradise.
· Ithaca,
New York
Waterfalls and wineries upstate.
· Jim
Thorpe, Pennsylvania
So fun, it's murder.
Karma Triyana Dharmachakra, Woodstock
A taste of Tibet.
Kripalu, Berkshires
Strike a pose at this yoga retreat.
· Long
Beach Island, New Jersey
Sand Castle B&B is a low-key
beach haven.
· Manchester,
Keep it reel with a little
Prep talk: going native on nantucket.
Northfork, New York
Picnicking out on Long Island.
Omega Institute, Hudson Valley
Strike a pose at this yoga retreat.
Onteora Mountain House in the Catskills, New York
An elevated manor nestled in the hills upstate.
What's hot in the city this year.
Phillips' Mill, Pennsylvania
In Pennsylvania's Buck County lies an Anglophile's dream.
What's hot in the city this year.
· Rhinebeck,
New York
Strap on a helmut and goggles
and go flying.
· The
Sagamore in Lake George, NY
For nostalgic golfers who dream
of Argyle.
· Sandanona
Shooting Grounds in Millbrook, New York
Play country squire and taking
aim at clays.
· Saratoga
Springs, New York
Playing the ponies at the track.
· The
Seaview Marriott in Galloway, New Jersey
A lot of golf's history was
made on these greens.
· Shelter Island, New York
Exploring the island's scenic inlets by kayak.
· Spa
at Norwich Inn
Sweat your way to happiness.
· Stowe,
Tennis, anyone?
Tanglewood, Massacusetts
After the concert, hit the high note at local hotels.
Villa at Saugerties, Ulster County
A mountain retreat where less is more.